Articles on: Getting Started...

How to login to the Dashboard

How to Access your Directful Dashboard

We designed the SwayPay Dashboard login without passwords for two reasons: You don't have to remember any password and it's more secure this way.

Go to the Directful Login page ( and enter your email address.

Click "Log in to the Dashboard"

You will be prompted to check your email inbox for the magic link that will be used to login to your Directful Dashboard.

In your Inbox, look for the email coming from Directful and click "SIGN IN TO DASHBOARD"

You will see this confirmation. You can close it and go back to the original window/tab where you tried logging in to Directful

You will see the hotels you have access to here. If you have access to multiple hotels, you will see them all here. Just click the hotel to enter its Dashboard.

Updated on: 23/01/2024

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